Why aren’t you angry?
July 25, 2011
By David Weiss
It’s been more than three decades since HIV and AIDS found their ways into the modern lexicon and into our bodies. Millions of human beings everywhere on this planet have died from or are enduring this plague. The war in the Afghanistan is winding down now, and while humanity has other problems - unrest in the Middle East, food shortages and starvation, destruction of the planet - it seems to me that it’s time that someone figured out how to kill off HIV once and for all.
If you’ve been following this blog then you already know that I’ve pretty much retired from blogging (does anyone even read blogs anymore?) but that doesn’t mean that I’ve retired from life. Far from it. I watch from the sidelines of the online universe, wondering when - or if - medical science will finally cure us, once and for all. I’m becoming impatient. I’m becoming angry. Why aren’t you?