You may have already heard the story of Centralia, PA, a coal mining town that had some 1,000 inhabitants at its peak. Now, that population is down to 9. It’s become a ghost town for one of the most bizarre reasons imaginable--a fire started in 1962 to burn trash in a dump inadvertently spread to a coal seam underground and has simply never stopped burning. The fire continues to this day--it’s lasted an incredible 49 years so far.
HIV/AIDS is our Centralia. For some of those who can pay for it, and sadly, far too many non-HIV infected people, the availability of suppressive treatment has swept the issue of eradicating HIV comfortably under the rug. But in fact, the cost of this complacency is incredibly high - the world spends more billions of dollars on treatment than it can now afford, and the ignorant prejudice and marginalization of the infected feeds on our humanity. Yes, the world has other problems, but until we eradicate HIV and AIDS once and for all, it will continue to burn, and we will continue to pay the tragically high cost of the worst plague in human history.
D.H. Weiss has been living with HIV & HCV for more than thirty years. He was an associate of convicted terrorist lawyer and activist Lynne F. Stewart and represented some of the most notorious criminals in America. In 1989 he won the only acquittal of an extradicted foreign national in the history of the United States. He has now published his first novel, “From Seven Till Dawn”, and has begun writing his second.
From Seven Till Dawn is a biting thriller that begins when ABCDE “Absidy” Blanks, a recluse living on a remote island in the Philippines, discovers a strange tablet on the beach near his home. The tablet bears a message that sends Absidy and some very colorful friends on a journey across three continents, and though you may not agree with the author’s admittedly iconoclastic worldview, the novel is one of those rare gems - a page turner that leaves your mind wondering about who we really are.
You can read the first chapter online at The print (softcover) and Kindle editions are now available at The ipad version is on sale at the itunes store, and in ipad, nook, and other ebook formats here.