Registration is open for AIDSWatch 2020, an annual opportunity for HIV advocates from across the U.S. to gather as a grassroots community and speak truth to power on Capitol Hill.
In 2019, more than 600 advocates held more than 270 meetings with Congressional offices. They shared with us that AIDSWatch was a transformational experience and their plans to take that feeling of empowerment back to their communities.
“This was the first AIDSWatch I had attended, and it was a fantastic opportunity to meet with legislators and also build connections among HIV and syringe exchange advocates from across the country,” said Kirsten Bean, health education program manager at the Greene County Public Health Department in southwest Ohio and AIDSWatch 2019 participant.
“It was so validating to get to hang out with peers and other people doing this work, and learn from and debrief with and connect with the larger movement. It fuels me to keep going and expand services here in Greene County,” Bean continued.
Kirsten Bean of the Greene County Public Health Department in southwest Ohio
On March 30, 2020, we’re building on this momentum. We now have the knowledge and tools to end the HIV epidemic in the United States, but meeting this goal will require substantial scale-up of solutions, removal of barriers and real leadership.
There must be collaboration – across the political aisle, between federal, state and local governments, and between the public and private sectors. Solutions must be based on scientific evidence and human rights. We can make the unprecedented opportunity of ending the HIV epidemic in America a reality by providing the resources, policies, and programs necessary to ensure that HIV prevention, care, treatment and support services are widely available.
Join other HIV advocates at AIDSWatch to tell Congress to make this plan a reality!
AIDSWatch is the largest, constituent-based national HIV advocacy event. Organized by AIDS United, the Treatment Access Expansion Project and the U.S. People Living with HIV Caucus, each year this conference brings together people living with HIV and their allies to educate members of Congress about the important issues at stake for people living with HIV in the United States.
Registration increases March 9; don’t wait!