| 41. Robert Greenwald The managing director of the Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School, the director of the Law School’s Health Law and Policy Clinic, a cochair of the HIV Health Care Access Working Group and a PACHA member, Greenwald is one of the community’s more powerful weapons working in the public eye, and behind the scenes, on Capitol Hill.
| 42. Mondo Guerra The newly openly HIV-positive star of Project Runway disclosed his status in a tear-inducing moment of truth in front of millions, redirecting the spotlight to the cause and reminding the viewing public that AIDS is anything but over in America.
| 43. Rebecca Haag When the Office of National AIDS Policy started talking about developing a National HIV/AIDS Strategy, Haag assembled her own watchdog group to make sure the policy makers got it right. The president and CEO of the AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts is a stalwart defender of people with HIV and one of the most listened-to voices on the national stage.
| 44. Catherine Hanssens, Esq. Leveraging her incredible intellect and silver tongue, Hanssens directs The Center for HIV Law & Policy to protect the health care and human rights of people living with HIV. She is particularly focused on addressing the wrongful criminalization of positive people.
| 45. Mark Harrington The executive director of the Treatment Action Group (TAG) is a legendary warrior for people with HIV. Thankfully, he has taken the battle global.
| 46. Marjorie Hill, PhD The CEO of Gay Men’s Health Crisis in New York, Hill has had the unenviable task of moving the mighty GMHC to new digs by the end of the year. She survived the firestorm of criticism with her usual strength and grace. After the move is made, if people are served better than ever before, you bet she’ll never say, “I told you so.” She lets her actions speak for themselves.
| 47. Debra Hickman As president and CEO of Sisters Together and Reaching in Baltimore, and as a member of the CDC/HRSA Advisory Committee on HIV and STD Prevention and Treatment (CHAC), Hickman graciously tells it like it is. She relentlessly steers the conversation to topics we need to discuss, such as drug use, homelessness, poverty and the needs of commercial sex workers. She knows that fixing these underpinnings of the epidemic will help stop AIDS.
| 48. Kathie Hiers As chief executive officer of AIDS Alabama and a member of PACHA, longtime AIDS activist Hiers was one of the first to sound a clarion call about the burgeoning epidemic in the Southeast.
| 49. David Holtgrave, PhD The professor and chair of the Department of Health, Behavior and Society at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore is the go-to man for anyone (including the federal government, pharmaceutical companies and groups like the National AIDS Fund) who wants to understand the statistical intricacies of AIDS in America. Soft-spoken and gentle, Holtgrave is living proof that you can walk softly and carry a big stick.
| 50. Ernest Hopkins The federal affairs director of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and CHAC member is called on constantly to provide his perspective-which is invariably well-informed, well-considered and delivered with statesman-like aplomb. Listen to him. People in the know do.