This trooper filed a discrimination suit against the Girl Scouts of America after being told their tent wasn’t big enough for little girls with HIV.
Merit Badge: With New York City– based Legal Action Center’s assistance, the case was settled with Donovan, 10, retaining upstate New York’s Adirondack Council troop uniform—but with a media gag order accessory.
Brownie Points: Her troop has since established an HIV education program for leaders and staff.
Discrimination 1, 2, 3: “First it’s OK to feel sad. But if someone treats you badly, stand up for yourself and what you believe is right. Talk to your mom and dad. Then talk to a lawyer.”
Buddy System: Big bro Danny, 12, is an out-and-proud Cub Scout with HIV.
Special Delivery: “My husband and I wanted to adopt children with special needs,” mom Dianne says. “I always tell people: ‘They didn’t come from my womb, but they came from my heart.’”
That Q factor: “A leader is someone who will stand up for what they believe is right,” the precocious fourth-grader says. “Like my friend Renee who made me feel better, or Sally, my lawyer. And my mom.”